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Piano Express
The Piano Express
Piano Express
The Piano Express DVD

playing with style
Playing With Style
First Fake Book
Fake Books
shower singing
Shower Singing
Chords to Go
Chords to Go
Tune it Up
Tune it Up

Mark Shilansky
Testimonial by Mark Shilansky, Jazz Pianist, Assistant Professor at Berklee College of Music, Lecturer in Jazz at University of New Hampshire and University of Southern Maine:

" Debbie Gruber's 'The Piano Express' is a valuable addition to the literature of piano pedagogy because it appeals to different learning styles. Students learn the keyboard, treble clef notation, and helpful shapes and diagrams of black and white key patterns add a tactile element. Also, the method imparts basic music theory and chord hierarchic knowledge, a facet that many piano instruction methods lack."

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Testimonial by Ray Atkins, Framingham, MA

Testimonial by Dalton Enamorado, East Lansing, MI

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Debbie Gruber, featured on WRKO radio
Hello, and welcome to Click around the site and see all we have to offer you, from podcasts of interviews with amazing musicians to video lessons, ezines, and lots of instructional products that have been carefully crafted to teach you how to play popular piano (and sing too!) by reading chords and embellishing upon them.
So make yourself at home. Kick up your heels, grab an iced coffee and enjoy the endlessly exciting and fabulously fun world of popular piano!

Debbie Gruber, B.M., M.M.
President of